пятница, 28 февраля 2014 г.

Hints of Seasons



    The second group is “SEASONS”.

     Why do leaves turn yellow? 
I did the research

 One day I have the  plant and grew in a dark place and I watching the leaves of the plant in the pot was not growing bright.

Than I conclusion that the sun's rays  isn't alight onto the plant that is why the leaves turn yellow.

     Ok lets watch this video how the leaves turn yellowe. 



This is Fall...
about fall

Every season has its special beauty and autumn is no exception. Watching the trees turn from a uniform green to all varieties of gold, yellow and red is a spectacular experience. One can almost be blinded by the fiery brilliance. How can it be that all this beauty is sign of death and decay? With all this beauty there is a certain sadness in knowing that the changing colors foreshadow the arrival of a long cold winter.


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