пятница, 28 февраля 2014 г.



   When I have plants, whether indoor or outdoor, the leaves can suddenly start turning yellow. 
   Yellowing leaves on my plants may point to something being    wrong with your  plants.
          Why plant leaves turn yellow is a tricky question. There are plenty of reasons that might cause yellow leaves on    your   plants.  Reasons Plant Leaves Turning Yellow A number of things can lead to yellowing leaves. 

   Here are the most common:

 Too little water – One reason plant leaves turn  yellow could be lack of water. If you have houseplant    that have yellow leaves, check the soil in the pot to see  if it is dry. If you find this is why leaves are turning yellow, simply water the plant and consider leaving the pot to sit in a

       dish to catch overflow and allow the roots to absorb the extra                                                                                 water when needed .






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